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- From: ecl@cbnewsj.cb.att.com (evelyn.c.leeper)
- Subject: Bookstores in Various Cities List (rec.arts.books)
- Expires: Thu, 25 Feb 1993 16:34:43 GMT
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- Date: Wed, 25 Nov 1992 16:34:27 GMT
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- Comment added:
- Cities added:
- Houston, TX (thanks to Robert Schmunk)
- Providence, RI
- Oxford
- Deleted:
- Occult Bookstore (Chicago)
- Cities include:
- Chicago, IL
- Denver, CO
- Houston, TX
- New Haven, CT
- Philadelphia, PA
- Pittsburgh, PA
- Portland, OR (see Seattle, WA)
- Providence, RI
- Salt Lake City, UT
- St. Louis, MO
- Seattle, WA (including Portland, OR)
- Washington, DC
- Oxford, England
- Edinburgh, Scotland
- Glasgow, Scotland
- [Note 1: Nichael Cramer (ncramer@labs-n.bbn.com) maintains the
- Cambridge/Boston list and usually posts it a couple of days after this
- appears.]
- [Note 2: I collected these comments from a variety of people. I personally
- have no knowledge of many of these places and take no responsibility if you
- buy a book you don't enjoy. :-) Phone numbers and precise addresses can be
- gotten by calling directory assistance for the appropriate city. Call ahead
- for precise hours, as even when I list them they are subject to change.]
- [Note 3: If you can add information for any of these, in particular addresses
- when they are missing, please send it to me.]
- Special mention:
- Traveller Food & Books in Union, CT (I-84 at the MA/CT border).
- The upstairs is a restaurant with a gimmick "a free book with every
- meal." The walls are covered with autographed fan mail from famous
- authors. The basement is a serious used bookstore. It's out in
- the middle of nowhere, but definitely worth a visit if you're
- passing by on your way between NYC and Boston, for example.
- ==============================================================================
- Chicago, IL:
- Hyde Park Area:
- 57th Street Bookstore (57th & Kimbark). This is a general branch of
- the Seminary Co-op. Very good children's book section, and
- a nice collection of fiction, sf, and mysteries.
- Ex-Libris (55th next to Louis Kiernan). Specializing in
- theological and rare books.
- Krochs & Brentano's (53rd & Lake Park).
- Louis Kiernan Books (55th Street). Reasonable collection of used.
- O'Gara's (near the Medici).
- Powell's (with one store on 57th, one on Lincoln north of Diversey,
- and a warehouse at 828 S. Wabash).
- Seminary Cooperative Bookstore (Chicago Theological Seminary
- (58th Street & University Avenue). "Has a good
- theological section but its only connection with the
- Seminary is that it rents space from them. It is, in my
- opinion, the best academic bookstore in the social sciences
- and humanities in the world, for English-language books at
- any rate. Anyone can shop there, but members receive a 10%
- discount on most books and may special-order books from
- anywhere in the world. Membership costs $30 (for three
- shares of stock). Members also receive an annual dividend
- and an additional rebate on their total annual expenditures
- (in good years; recently finances have been tight), and if
- they really want to, they can cancel their membership and
- cash in their stock after owning it for a year. To join,
- show up between 8:30 AM and 5 PM, Monday-Friday.
- University of Chicago Bookstore (59th and Ellis). General books
- downstairs, slightly academic tilt, but reasonable general
- section.
- Other:
- Booksellers Row (North side: 2445 N. Lincoln and downtown:
- 408 S. Michigan). Used books. North side is larger
- selection, one downtown is very easy to get to.
- Guild (and others) (on Lincoln north of Fullerton). "You should
- hype up Guild books ... in my estimation. I've only been
- a couple times, but they have a real nice assortment of
- fiction, poetry, and factual stuff, admittedly leaning
- towards the progressive, but a good source for a variety
- of interesting and often hard to find books (and magazines,
- lots of magazines). They are so popular that they were
- able to sell memberships when they were having cash flow
- problems!"
- The Stars Our Destination Bookstore (1021 W Belmont, one block
- West of the Belmont L stop, 312-871-2722). A cheery little
- science fiction haven. (They moved to this location 5/1/92.)
- If you go to one used bookstore on the Northside, just pick up a map
- listing the other ones nearby. There are about 8 or so within 1.5
- miles of each other.
- Evanston:
- Great Expectations (911 Foster St near the El tracks, a couple of
- streets north of Emerson just east of Sherman). "It's an
- interesting place with easy chairs and cats scattered around.
- I once overheard the proprietor tell a potential customer
- that the book the customer wanted to order was too easy to
- find. Better bring along your checkbook though; it ain't
- cheap."
- Bookman's Alley (in the alley at the rear of 1712 Sherman Avenue).
- Roger Carlson has taken three large rooms that used to be
- a workshop or warehouse and converted them into a pleasant
- and fairly spacious old bookland.
- Others:
- Aspidistra (N. Clark). HUGE warehouse of used and some new books.
- Cheap.
- Borders Bookshop (near Rte 83, 1/2 mile N. of the shopping
- center in Oakbrook).
- Barbara's Books (one on Broadway about 2 blocks south of
- Belmont, and one on Wells in Oldtown across the street
- from the adult theaters and bookstores).
- Rizzoli (in Water Tower). "I always feel underdressed when I go
- in there." The Unabridged Bookstore (Broadway a block north
- of Belmont)
- There is also a book compiled by Lane Phalen, THE BOOK LOVER'S GUIDE TO
- CHICAGOLAND, ISBN 1-880339-06-4, $14.95) which covers over four hundred
- bookstores in the Chicago area.
- ==============================================================================
- Denver, CO:
- The Tattered Cover (2955 East First Avenue, Denver CO 80206,
- 1-800-833-9327, tdd/v (303) 320-0536). Huge--4 floors. Over
- 400,000 books in stock. Considered to be the best independent
- bookstore in the U.S. Also does mail order to anywhere. Free
- giftwrapping.
- ==============================================================================
- Houston, TX
- All Books (Richmond at Greenbriar). Used bookstore with reputedly good
- natural science selection.
- Booked Up (Studewood at E 7th). Used bookstore with good liberal arts
- selection.
- Bookstop ('Alabama', S Shepherd at W Alabama). A large branch of a growing
- discount chain. Located in what used to be an old movie palace, it's
- a fairly good general bookstore, particularly popular non-fiction.
- Fiction genres (esp. sf and mystery) can be mediocre. Open til midnight.
- Bookstop ('Sharpstown', Bellaire at US-59). A smaller branch of the chain.
- Same sort of selection but the sf section is somewhat better.
- Brazos Bookstore (Bissonet btw Kelvin & Morningside). Eclectic, but known as
- a literary place, with readings.
- Brentano's (Westheimer at S Shepherd). A large, generic bookstore but much
- more pleasant than most, as armchairs and a coffee machine are to be
- found. Good children's and history sections.
- Brown Book Shop (San Jacinto at Bell). Good for science and technical stuff.
- Detering Book Dealers (Bissonnet at Greenbriar). A used bookstore, but for
- literary and rare stuff.
- Future Visions (US-290 at Mangum). Relatively speaking, the Houston source
- for sf and horror. Due to financial troubles c. 1990, the selection
- has been broadened to include techno-thrillers and the ilk. Author
- signings every month or so.
- Half-Price Books (University at Kirby). A large branch of the used bookstore
- chain. Pretty good Texana section.
- Half-Price Books (Waugh at Hyde Park). A moderate-sized branch.
- Majors Scientific Books (S Main at Dryden). Good for computer books and
- science texts, *especially* medical tomes.
- Murder By the Book (Bissonnet at Morningside). The Houston source for
- mysteries, especially new stuff. Author signings almost every week.
- Nan's Game HQ (US-59 at S Shepherd). A game and comic shop, but it has a rack
- of new sf, though heavily infested with official D&D pablum.
- Rice Campus Store (Rice campus). Avoid unless looking for something written
- by a Rice faculty member. Textbooks are expensive and there's not
- much else.
- Spectrum Bookstore (Westheimer at Augusta). A generic bookstore, but a good
- place to hang out while you wait for a movie to start at the
- THX-equipped theater next door.
- Third Planet (Bissonnet at Kelvin, preparing to move). A comic and game shop,
- but they do maintain a very large rack of new and old sf books.
- Univ Houston Cougar Bookstore (UH campus). A large campus bookstore, usually
- cheaper than the Rice store.
- Univ St Thomas Bookstore (UST campus). Reputedly good for literature.
- ==============================================================================
- New Haven, CT:
- Arethusa Book Shop (87 Audubon). Used books, first editions, collectors
- items. Most are fairly expensive.
- Atticus (1082 Chapel). A rather ho-hum selection of new books. Its
- virtues are that it's open late (a rarity in this area) and has a
- cafe on the premises.
- Bryn Mawr Book Shop (56 1/2 Whitney). Cheap used books. Good for picking
- up some light reading (most paperbacks are $.25 apiece). Open
- limited hours.
- Coventry Books (75 Whitney). Used books, mostly nonfiction or scholarly.
- Also some remainders. "My personal favorite of the bunch."
- Whitlock's (17 Broadway). Used books on all subjects.
- Yale Coop (77 Broadway). New books, large full-service bookstore. They
- also have one corner set aside for used scholarly books.
- ==============================================================================
- Philadelphia, PA:
- Book Trader (501 South St.) The biggest used book store in Philadelphia
- that I know of. They also sell black & white posters, used
- records, and have a tiny gallery upstairs. Open every day till
- midnight.
- Hibberd's Books (1310 Walnut St.) Sells new, used, and rare books.
- Interesting item in this store is the bag of books in front of the
- store marked "take a chance, change of your life" filled with used
- books that are unknown until it is opened.
- Whodunit? (Chestnut--whatever the main street is--around 20th). Major
- mystery store, mostly used, some new, excellent supply for
- Sherlockiana for those who care about such things (like me!).
- And a couple of people write:
- "I recommend the "Chester County Book Company" in West Chester, PA (~20
- miles or 50 minutes by bus west of Philadelphia). They don't seem to
- turn over their stock as much as most bookstores: there are more older
- books than you usually find (at least in paperback). They have about
- 50% more books than their shelves will hold; there are many stacks of
- books not on shelves." "CCBC is a pleasant medium sized bookstore,
- always good for something. They will special order anything, so far as
- I know. They have two stores, one in either of the two WC shopping
- centers. The larger one is the regular store. The smaller one is
- filled with remainders and WCU texts." They also have a pair of very
- large birds, confined to a cage, but they smell and squawk, sometimes
- quite loudly. Each of the shopping centers are immediately off of one
- of the three Route 202 WC exits.
- "While in the area, look for Baldwin's Book Barn, a converted barn. It
- is possibly the largest used bookstore in the Philadelphia area, and it
- is glorious. Exton (the next town over) has another fine used
- bookstore. Right next to the Burger King next to campus is a little old
- ladies' little old books' bookstore. Not much of a selection, but I
- always buy a few from them when I'm in the area. The Downingtown
- Farmers' Market also has a few used bookstores, along with stuff you
- just don't find in any other mall."
- And in Willow Grove is the Business and Computer Bookstore. "When
- you're in the Philadelphia area, you as might as well also check out
- Quantum, Borders, U Penn, Drexel U bookstores, and Lame Duck for used
- science books. If `technical' includes architecture, there's
- furthermore a specialty store for just that in Center City. (I've never
- been to the Temple U bookstore, so I can't comment on it.)"
- ==============================================================================
- Pittsburgh, PA:
- Atlantic Books. An okay remainder place.
- The Bookworm (in Squirrel Hill). A good used bookstore.
- Borders (5 miles south on US 19). A very good book store, and compares
- well with any bookstore short of Powell's (in Portland, Oregon)
- that I've visited.
- City Books (on the South Side of the Monogahela river across from
- downtown). Used.
- Riverrun Books (next door to City Books). Smaller than City Books but the
- two put together are well worth a visit.
- Eide's Comic Shop. A better science fiction section than any store in the
- Boston area (specialty or otherwise).
- Pinocchio Bookstore for Children (in Shadyside opposite the west end of
- Walnut St). The selection here is far better than any in any
- general bookstore. (It's well-chosen stuff for the most part, not
- shelf after shelf of Sweet Valley High).
- Skleder's. Has a reasonable selection of old books, but nothing to brag
- about.
- University of Pittsburgh Bookstore. Pretty good.
- There are several more (St. Elmo's and Stonewall probably merit additions as
- well). The CMU-SCS-student's Guide to Living In Pittsburgh gives a long
- descriptions of the various kinds of bookstores in the area, but it's probably
- more information than you want. (It would take up a whole posting by itself,
- and the bookstore pickings in Pittsburgh are a good deal slimmer than NYC or
- the Bay Area.)
- ==============================================================================
- Providence, RI:
- Book Store, Murder by the Book, and Other Worlds (1281 N. Main St). A variety
- of stores occupying the same space. Wide selection of used science
- fiction and mysteries.
- Cellar Stories (190 Mathewson Street). Good selection of just about
- everything. Recently doubled its space. Contrary to its name, it's
- on a second floor downtown, just off of Weybosset. Can usually be
- spotted by a banner hanging from the upstairs window.
- Sewards' Folly (139 Brook Street). Eclectic selection. At about fifteen
- years old, this is the longest-surviving of the used bookstores around
- here, so they must be doing something right. Owned by a retired
- couple named (surprise) Seward, this is a comfortable place to browse,
- and only a couple of blocks from coffee mecca on Wickenden Street, so
- you can conveniently take your purchases and enjoy them over a cup of
- espresso.
- ==============================================================================
- St. Louis, MO:
- The Library Ltd. (actually in the suburb of Clayton at Forsyth and Hanley,
- about a half-mile west of Washington U). A new store, the largest
- bookstore in St. Louis. A very pleasant store, with couches, chairs,
- and tables for reading areas. Fills the whole floor of a store which
- used to be a Best catalog showroom. A large selection of discount-
- price remaindered books, and an extensive display of all varieties of
- current hardbacks, paperbacks, and a reasonable magazine selection.
- ==============================================================================
- Salt Lake City, UT:
- Sam Weller's (273 S Main). A *huge* place with new books on the main floor
- and used books in the basement and on the balcony. You can easily
- spend half a day browsing in here.
- King's English (1500? S 1500 E). A cozy bookstore with a resident cat,
- armchairs, and free tea and coffee. New books, strongest in
- fiction and literature. Best selection of mysteries in town.
- ==============================================================================
- Seattle, WA:
- AKA Books & Left Bank Books. Part of a collective that provides small
- press and alternative titles--former is primarily used books at
- good prices, latter is mostly new titles.
- Bailey/Coy Books. Wonderful, full of good fiction and recommendations
- from staff and customers.
- Beauty and the Books. Run-of-the-mill university used bookstore.
- Beyond the Closet Books (1501 Belmont Ave). The city's best gay &
- lesbian bookstore.
- Blackbird Books (3130 E Madison). Has a good selection of books for the
- African-American community, including toys, posters, children's
- books, and music.
- David Ishi, Bookseller (down the street from Elliot Bay). Lots of old
- hardcovers and memorabilia, but it's a bit expensive. He
- specializes in fine editions, and will do difficult rare book
- searches on request.
- Discount Books. Has some of the lowest prices, but their selection is
- usually limited.
- Elliot Bay Books. Booklover's paradise. Also has an extensive children's
- section, complete with a playroom for kids as you browse other areas.
- Flora and Fauna Books (1st Ave in Pioneer Square). Best nature/outdoors
- bookstore in town, with both new and selected used/rare titles.
- Half-Price (University District). Large collection of mostly used books.
- Lambda Books. The best place for gay/lesbian titles and postcards.
- Magus Bookstore. Run-of-the-mill university used bookstores.
- Mystery Bookshop (117 Cherry). Large collection of new and used mysteries.
- Open Books (Wallingford). Great poetry selection.
- Second Story Book Store (Wallingford Center on N. 45th). Feminist, new
- fiction, lending library.
- Secret Garden Children's Bookshop (Greenlake). A wonderful selection.
- Shorey's Books. Used bookstore with ancient reference books. Lots of
- dreck, but the occasional book you can't find anywhere else.
- Spade & Archer (1101 E Pike). Mystery bookstore. The Pike St cinema is
- at the back.
- Standard Books (65th in the Roosevelt District). Great bookstore -- open,
- airy, light, current fiction and non-fiction, heavy on politics,
- history, poetry. Small children's section. Free Sunday NYTimes
- Book Review. Staff super-friendly and involved, newsletter, book
- signings and readings.
- Tower Books (Lower Queen Anne). Large, wide-ranging selection of new
- books, magazines, and papers. Also sells the cheapest IRISH
- TIMES in Seattle.
- Twice Sold Tales (on John, not 45th). Has incredibly good used fiction
- at good prices.
- University Bookstore. Simply massive, with good people to find the book
- you want, and an extensive children's section. "Better than any
- University bookstore I know (including Harvard Coop) for general
- books."
- There are also several used bookstores the university area--one along
- University Way and a couple on side streets going East, towards campus.
- And of course, you might want to consider a day trip down to Portland
- (three hours by car) to get to visit Powell's--probably the largest
- bookstore in the world.
- ==============================================================================
- Washington, DC:
- Air Land and Sea (Old Town Alexandria at 1215 King St). New and used
- aeronautical, nautical, and military books, prints (and collectibles,
- and other knick-knacks).
- Borders (Rockville Pike near White Flint mall in Bethesda/Rockville).
- The best. Aside from having a huge selection, it has employees who
- actually know something about books. Pricey, but a great place to
- hang out. Borders has just opened an even bigger store in Tysons
- Corner on Leesburg Pike.
- From Out of the Past (Alexandria on Richmond Hwy (Route 1). Eclectic
- mix of books, sometimes overpriced badly IMHO, but *the* place in
- Washington to buy things like old Life magazines.
- Kramerbooks/Afterwords (P St. just north of Dupont Circle).
- Smallish bookstore, but good selection & nice cafe in the back.
- Open 24 hours a day. Also the regular Kramerbooks at 1875 K Street
- inside International square. Very good collection of political
- science and technical works. **NOTE**: Another person says
- these are "[n]ot listed as such (under either name) in the
- current D.C. white or yellow pages. There is an Afterwords Cafe at
- 1517 Conn. Ave, N.W., but I have no notion if it is related."
- Can someone clarify?
- The Map Store Inc. (Farragut Sq at 1636 Eye St. NW). An excellent
- source of maps, travel guides, etc.
- Maryland Book Exchange (College Park at 4500 College Ave). An above
- average technical/university bookstore with some used books.
- The Newsroom (two blocks up from Kramerbooks on Connecticut Ave). A good
- selection of national & international newspapers & magazines.
- Olde Soldier Books, Inc. (Gaithersburg on N Frederick Ave). Specializes
- in Civil War books, in which they have a broad stock. Worth
- checking on any military material for earlier wars, new (some)
- or used (mainly). They also publish.
- Olsson's Books & Records (Main store in Georgetown on Wisconsin Ave. NW.
- Other stores at Dupont Circle on 19th St NW, Metro Center on F
- St NW, Old Town Alexandria on S Union St, and Bethesda on Old
- Georgetown Rd). Good selection, including some hard-to-find books.
- Also a music store. Will order from Books in Print, and, at the
- Georgetown store, British Books in Print. Also a music store;
- mainly classical.
- Politics and Prose (Connecticut and Nevada). A full service bookstore.
- Recent fiction and current affairs, politics. Often has authors
- speaking.
- Reiter's Scientific and Technical Bookstore (2021 K St NW). They have a
- very broad stock of technical books and are also willing to do
- phone and mail order worldwide (800)537-4314 or (202)223-3327.
- Wonder Books & Video (Frederick on W Patrick St (Route 40 W)). A large
- used bookstore that I've always found well worth searching.
- In Bethesda, just find one used bookstore -- each one has maps
- showing the locations of all the others.
- Second Story Books (chain with stores at Dupont Circle on P St NW,
- Rockville on Parklawn Ave, Bethesda on Bethesda Ave, and in
- Baltimore). Used books (and records). Largest selection of
- any of the used book stores I go to (I look for paperback fiction
- and history, mostly).
- For literary stuff, try Chapters, at 1532 K St NW.
- For SF, fantasy, and strange odds & ends, try Hole in the Wall
- (a.k.a. Hole in the Wallet) in Falls Church, Virginia.
- For theater books, Backstage Inc., 21st & P Streets N.W.
- ==============================================================================
- Oxford:
- Blackwell's. "The typical university bookshop (there are no bookstores in
- England), but often missed is the rare books and special editions that
- Sir Basil Blackwell collected and put on display in a rather pleasant
- country house just south of Oxford. The problem is, I cannot remember
- the village. Near Nuneham Courtney? Clifton Hampden? Someone will
- know. Sometimes a special book deserves a special typesetting,
- printing and binding." Also has various second hand sections.
- Book Bargains (2 St. Ebbe St).
- Bookshop on the Plain. (cross Magdaelen Bridge and start up the Cowley Rd;
- it's immediately on your left).
- The EOA Communist Bookshop (across the road from Bookshop on the Plain).
- Might carry Irish stuff for all the wrong reasons, I suppose, but
- being a Tory I wouldn't know :-."
- Thorton's. "Look out for Thornton's as it's *dear*.
- Waterfield's (36 Park End St). Good philosophy section.
- "There's also a large second hand bookshop on the way down to the railway
- station, go down the hill from the Westgate centre, past Nuffield College and
- the prison, and straight on past the Queen's Arms, it then appears on the
- right. The antiques emporium just before it and the Jam Factory over the road
- by the traffic lights also house minor booksellers amongst their other
- denizens."
- ==============================================================================
- Edinburgh:
- Bauermeisters (on the Bridges).
- Castle Books (Canongate). Used.
- Dillons (Princes Street). Large chain. Someone claims, "Dillons? You mean
- Sherratt and Hughes, now known as.....Waterstone's."
- Forbidden Planet (Teviot Place). Science fiction.
- Macnaughtons (Haddington Place, Leith Walk). Used.
- Old Grindle's (Spittal Street). Used.
- Second Edition (Canonmills). Used.
- Sheena McNeil (Bruntsfield Links). Sheet music.
- Thins (South Bridge). One person says: "[Along with] John Smiths, ... [is]
- so far ahead of anyone else there is no point in looking at others.
- Both have a few other branches scattered around their respective
- cities." But another says: "Thins is the worst bookstore I've ever
- had the misfortune of dealing with," and a third says, "It must have
- been a while since you tried looking for anything in Thin's,
- and absence has apparently made your heart go all funny. Thin's is
- a Very Poor Bookshop. They are also a bunch of hypocrites, handing
- out propaganda in favour of retaining the Net Book Agreement, while
- marking up the prices of Non-Net Books higher than Waterstone's and
- Co."
- Tills (Buccleuch Street). Used.
- Waterstone's (Princes Street). Large chain.
- West and Wilde (Dundas Street). Gay/lesbian
- West Port Books (West Port near Lothian Rd.). Used.
- (a couple of shops in Teviot Row). Medical, new and used.
- (a shop in Spittal Street). Second-hand football programmes.
- (a remainder shop opposite Thins).
- (a couple of used book stores in Broughton Street and at the top
- of Leith Walk and several used book stores in the Grassmarket).
- You can pick up a leaflet with a full list of used book stores from any one
- of them.
- The Assembly Rooms in George St. often holds book fairs on Saturdays
- where many of the second-hand booksellers exhibit.
- ==============================================================================
- Glasglow:
- Bargain Books (chain of small stores). Limited stock but excellent bargain
- prices.
- Caledonia Books (Great Western Road). Used.
- Church of Scotland Bookshop (Buchanan Street near the Underground Station).
- Near Forbidden Planet.
- Centerpeace (Stockwell Street). Pacifist/feminist/Third World.
- Clyde Books (Parnie Street). Radical/socialist/feminist/green.
- Dillons (the Argyle Street/Union Street corner). A very large branch.
- More modern than Smiths and a great place to pick up book
- bargains. Close to Smiths and Waterstones.
- Dowanhill Books (in a lane off Byres Road opposite Hillhead tube station).
- Used.
- Forbidden Planet (Buchanan Street). Science fiction and comics.
- Futureshock. American imports and OLD paperbacks as well as imports.
- Gilmorehill Books (Bank Street). Used.
- Obelisk (Virginia Galleries, Virginia Street). Used science fiction and
- mysteries.
- John Smith and Sons (St. Vincent Street). Quite close to George Square.
- This is the main branch and is famous enough for you to be able to
- ask directions to it. It has 5 floors and keeps books on just about
- any subject you can think of. Main public transport terminals nearby
- (i.e., walking distance) include Central Station (trains), Queen
- Street Station (trains), Buchanan Street Station (buses) and Buchanan
- Street Underground Station. Close to Dillons and Waterstones.
- John Smith and Sons (University Bookshop, University Avenue, Hillhead) (west
- of the city centre). A strictly academic bookshop, they specialise
- in stocking books on the recommended reading lists for students
- supplied by Glasgow University (who keep close links with the shop).
- Most university courses are in evidence in the shop - medical books
- particularly so. Main public transport terminal nearby is Hillhead
- Underground Station.
- John Smith and Sons (Byres Road Branch, Byres Road, Hillhead). A mainstream
- three-storey bookshop. Simply a scaled-down version of the main
- shop. This shop is located next door to the Hillhead Underground
- Station. The university shop is 5 minutes away on foot. A nice area
- in general, well worth a look: there are several famous cafes/coffee
- shops around here too (e.g., The Ubiquitous Chip, The Underground
- Gallery).
- Voltaire and Rousseau (Otago Street Lane). Used.
- Waterstones (Union Street very close to Dillons). Large branch.
- More modern than Smiths. Close to Smiths.
- Word of Mouth (Bank Street). Food and cookery; this place is amazing.
- (a comics shop in Byres Road)
- charity shops in Byres Rd, all of whom sell books, starting with Cancer
- Research, Oxfam, Dr Barnado's, Save the Children, Glasgow
- University's settlement(?), as well as the back alley secondhand books
- (next to Oxfam) and occasionally DeCourcy's arcade)
- Regarding Smiths, one reader says:
- "There are other branches of Smiths, but these three should cover all
- your needs wherever you are in Glasgow. All Smiths shops are tied by a
- computer network allowing the facility for quick look up of stocks
- elsewhere in the city and quick transfer between branches in the case
- where a particular book is not in stock at a certain branch. They can
- also order ANY book in print as long as they can locate the ISBN, and
- send it to any address you please. They have British and Overseas Books
- in Print on Microfiche for this purpose."
- Regarding some of the other chains, another reader warns:
- "AVOID the new, plush bookshops that are branches of big English chains
- (Dillons, Hatchards, Waterstones). These have a limited range of yuppie
- best-sellers and their attempts to fuck publishers over through the years
- (unilaterally refusing to pay before three months after invoicing and later
- attempting to smash the Net Book Agreement) have been very destructive.
- They have nothing in stock you can't get from John Smiths or Thins."
- W. H. Smiths and John Menzies are huge UK-wide chains that sell magazines
- and airport bestsellers.
- Evelyn C. Leeper | +1 908 957 2070 | att!mtgzy!ecl or ecl@mtgzy.att.com